All of our workshops are customized to your industry and workplace and there are opportunities for collaboration of lived experiences. We also provide custom built workshops and training.

Our Workshops

*workshops are 1.5~3 hours long

Introduction to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Back To The Basics with this one! This workshop is designed to be a very introductory offering for those who are just starting out on their DEI journeys. This workshop is specifically designed for those who may have some resistance to the topic and approaches it in a way that engages and interacts with that resistance and works individuals through it.

Anti-Oppression 101

In this workshop, we take those who are at the beginning of their DEI journey and take them to the next level. We’ll start introducing some broader concepts that will be a foundation for any future learning and leave you feeling empowered and curious to learn more.

Anti Oppression 102: Decolonization 

In this workshop, we get deeper and tackle decolonization. What that means for an individual, and organization and a society. We will be discussing dismantling systemic racism and centralized white power.

Power Dynamics & Unconscious Bias: Utilizing Radical Empathy

*3 hours only

In order to discuss power dynamics and their impact on workplaces, organizations, and interpersonal relations, there needs to be an understanding of the inequities present in the society we live in.

In this workshop, we examine how to recognize privilege, identify power dynamics at play, and utilize them for equity and justice. Addressing power dynamics and unconscious bias requires new levels of awareness and nuance that this workshop will provide, along with the framework to do so.

*Co-facilitated by Morgan Switzer-Rodney and Alia Ali

What Is An Inclusive Space and How To Create It

“Safe Space” has become a buzz word but what does it even mean? In this workshop, we discuss what makes a space safe or not and how to be able to tell if the space you’re occupying or overseeing is safe or not. We’ll also teach you actionable accountability to make all the spaces you occupy more inclusive for those around us.


Bystander Intervention Training

Hate crimes have been on the rise since 2016 and have only gotten worse, targeting more and more marginalized folks. With the rise of harassment, implementing bystander intervention training can help you create a culture of safety and combat harassment not only in your workplace but also in the larger community. In this workshop, we look at why exactly bystanders have such a hard time intervening and how to do so safely and effectively. We take a community approach that is trauma-informed and recognizing the different privileges we all come to the table with.


Unconscious Bias 101: What Is It And Do I Have Any?

Here we’ll discuss unconscious bias/ implicit bias, go through why we have them and when we are more susceptible to them. In this workshop, we’ll discuss who has them and we use examples and scenarios based on your specific industry and teach you strategies on how to start tackling them and becoming aware of them.


Unconscious Bias 102: Employing Radical Empathy

In this workshop, we start off with a base understanding of unconscious bias and its prevalence of them. We then examine why it’s so hard to address and how it impacts our day-to-day lives, as well as our professional lives. We will be learning actionable accountability every one of us can put into practice to be able to respect the dignity of all folks, by utilizing radical empathy to challenge the implicit bias present in us individually and in our organizations and systems.


Imposter Syndrome: How It Affects Your Workplace

Imposter Syndrome affects more than 70% of people and the opportunity cost is monumental for any organization. Imposter Syndrome also affects people of colour and women in greater numbers. In this workshop, we’ll learn about the different types of Imposter Syndrome and how you can take tangible steps to tackle it.


Allyship 101: What Can I Do As An Individual?

At its core, DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusivity) is leadership development, and being able to incorporate that as an individual will change how you show up in the world. In this workshop, we focus on the personal development an individual can take to develop their leadership skills in DEI. We can’t have empathy without personal responsibility.


Moving from Conflict Resolution to Conflict Transformation

Conflict is inevitable, where there are people, there will be conflict, but that doesn’t have to be a bad thing. In this workshop, we look at the traditional conflict resolution lens and compare it to conflict transformation. We work on creating a culture where conflicts become an opportunity for connection instead of disconnection and an opportunity for growth and further cohesion.


Organizational Allyship: Inclusion Strategy 

How do organizations practice their values instead of just professing them? In this workshop we’ll look at what an organization can do to develop its inclusion strategies and play a positive impact in the community it’s in. This workshop gets tailored to be industry-specific.


“Help! My Organization is All White!” Attracting More Diverse Candidates and Clients

When you look around at your company and clientele, is everyone white? Representation matters and in this workshop we cover why there isn’t more diversity and look at organizations that do it well. We’ll learn how not only to create attractive workplaces and companies for a diverse clientele but also how to make sure the space you’re inviting them in isn’t furthering harm and a place where they can thrive.  


Facilitation/ Mediation/ Coaching


Empathy & Equity Think Tank

Oftentimes, different teams and individuals in an organization are in various places on their DEI (diversity, equity, inclusion) journey. This offering is to try and tackle those differences in needs.

Get one of our team members to attend a team meeting or a project proposal and they will offer feedback as well as provide tangible suggestions to help build equity and empathy within the scope of the meeting/project.

Having industry professionals specifically focused on DEI will not only help the team identify the blindspots present, but also allow you to quickly elevate any project.

The majority of our clients that take advantage of this service provide certain team members, locations, or departments a number of hours they are able to use throughout the year.


BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) Forum

We can’t solve an issue we don’t know is there. Often times it’s hard for your employees/ staff/ students to be honest about their experiences for fear of repercussion or just out of conflict avoidance. Our team will facilitate a forum to hear about the experiences and then make recommendations to your organization. These forums will be confidential we will ensure that privacy upheld.


Facilitated Anti-Oppression Conversations for your Specific Workplace and Industry

Part of doing this work means continuing the conversation. Each workplace is different as is each industry. Having this conversation can be difficult and knowing what to say and how to field questions can be intimidating. Let us help you have a safe and productive conversation that leaves everyone feeling empowered and heard. 


Workplace Conflict Transformation

      Has something occurred between coworkers that you’re unsure of how to deal with? Has someone called out your company or coworker? Reach out and let us transform this into an opportunity for connection instead of disconnection. 


1-1 Coaching

Have burning questions about an incident or situation? Want to hash out a scenario or get some expert advice on an equity issue? Want some personal attention in your leadership role to make sure you’re incorporating diversity, equity, and inclusion? Give us a call.

Not sure which one is right for your company and situation? No problem!

Book a free consultation call with us today!